, Tuesday, 18 February 2025   

Fun Mini Golf

Challenges and Makes Your Next Round More Exciting

If you are a person that likes to create fun challenges and games, there is mini golf can play the create challenges and make your time fun. The following miniature golf games and rules will help create a unique experience on every pat.

Mini golf rules are simple and easy to understand. The objective is to complete each hole in a few strokes as possible. The strokes number allowed for each hole varies depend on the course, but it's usually between two and six.


Regulations    ルール
Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas

Resident only

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas

Operation hour 6 AM - 8 PM everyday

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas

Court used max. 1 hours

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas

However, there is no limit
to the number of times

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas

We do not provide golf equipment

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas

Please keep facilities maintained


Every achievement grows out of the seed of determination.

何事も決意することから始まる。 一粒の種から成長するのだ。

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas Guest Caring (Covid-19 Protection)
Our Commitment to Care    ケアへの取り組み
We're committed to enhanced levels of cleanliness, as we reimagine the hotel experience. ホテルの体験を再考するにあたり、私たちは清潔さのレベルを高めることに取り組んでいます。

Other Facilities & Services

  • Cielsowal 美容室

    Cielsowal 美容室

  • Japanese Restaurant

    Japanese Restaurant

    We have implemented the strictest cleanliness and hygiene measures for food preparation, set up and service, in order you and your partner can enjoy delicious food and beverages in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Golf Membership

    Golf Membership

    We provide Long Staying Room Rate with Palm Spring Golf Membership. Palm Springs Golf and Country Club Karawang Course is owned by Sinar Mas Land

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Booking & Reservation