, Tuesday, 18 February 2025   

Reading Corner

Improve your literation

A reading corner is a comfortable space for children & adult to sit and read.

Many books displaying here.

Reading rate and comprehension increase as you recognize more words at sight more rapidly. You recognize the meanings to more words as the amount of reading you do increases.

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In handling matters, let your mind influence your heart.
In dealing with people, let your heart influence your mind.

事を処理する際、 感情は理知の中にしまっておき、 人と触れ合う時は 感情を理知の上に表す。

Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas Guest Caring (Covid-19 Protection)
Our Commitment to Care    ケアへの取り組み
We're committed to enhanced levels of cleanliness, as we reimagine the hotel experience. ホテルの体験を再考するにあたり、私たちは清潔さのレベルを高めることに取り組んでいます。

Other Facilities & Services

  • Swimming Pool

    Swimming Pool

    Refreshing and clear-blue water awaits you on Le Premier Hotel Kota Deltamas. Enjoy a skyline view and the privacy offered by the tropical gardens.
  • Fitness Room

    Fitness Room

    Be Smart and Fit! Mind and body are interrelated and no quality accommodation would be complete without sporting facilities.
  • Onsen / Ofuro / Japanese Bath

    Onsen / Ofuro / Japanese Bath

    Divided into two, a shower section provides squatting chairs as well as toiletries and good warm water. Before entering the warm water bath, guest should take a bath thoroughly in the low shower provided. After take a bath, soak in warm water, there also offers a sauna or steam room. Apart from a fresh body, fatigue disappears, the skin also becomes smooth after bath.

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